Teacher Information

Knox County Public Schools has once again been granted approval by the Kentucky Department of Education to implement NTI days in the 2019-2020 academic year.  This does not mean that each day is already approved, rather, we may choose to use an NTI day when conditions warrant and submit evidence to KDE for the day to count.

Self-Contained Primary Grades 

Please submit two uploads, one reflecting an English/Language Arts assignment and one reflecting a mathematics assignment.

Content-Specific Elementary and Middle 

Please submit an upload for each grade level.  (Ex:  If you teach three sections of 3rd grade social studies, combine all into one submission.   At the middle school, if you teach 7th grade science all day, combine all sections and do one upload.   Your total number of students would be total enrolled in all classes, total participation would be total in all classes, and the average grade would reflect all classes.)  If you teach both science and social studies, for example, you would need to upload for science and for social studies.

Content-Specific High School

Please submit an upload for each course that you teach.  Use the “Other” box to list your course name.   (Ex:  If you teach two sections of Algebra I, combine all sections into one upload.   If you teach four different courses, you will need to submit four uploads.)


Unless stated above (self contained primary), three samples of student work are required for each NTI day for each content/course upload that you submit.  The student name should be blacked out and unable to be read.  The document should be scanned.  If providing documentation from an online program, you should download logs showing student participation on the NTI day.  Be sure to delete student names.
(Example:  if your students used i-Ready, the only documentation you would need is the logs.   If your students did a worksheet, three samples of the worksheets should be provided.)

Submit NTI Documentation